ANSE ROYALE: Le Nautique – Luxury Beachfront Hotel​

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Creole Recipes: Pilau Rice

This classic Pilau rice recipe is a simple and delicious dish that you’ll want to make time and time again. With plenty of flavour, this wholesome Indian inspired dish is a hearty meal in itself or can be the perfect accompaniment to a grilled fish or selection of tasty creole curries. Each spoonful of this vibrant rice is filled with amazing flavours and textures, perfectly summing up the unique melting pot of Indian, Asian, European and African cultures we share in the Seychelles.



Serves 4


  • 300g cubed beef
  • 300g cubed chicken
  • 300g sausage
  • 600g basmati rice
  • 1 litre water
  • 1 diced onion
  • 1 teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 1 teaspoon crushed ginger
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons chopped coriander
  • 2 tablespoons chopped thyme
  • 7 cloves
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup of safran 
  • Curry leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste 




  1. Cut the beef and chicken into cubes, season with salt and pepper, mix well and set aside.
  2. Cook the sausages, slice into round sections and fry the slices until browned each side.
  3. Heat the oil in pan and cook the chicken pieces until brown, remove and set aside.
  4. Using the same oil, cook the beef cubes to your taste, remove from oil and set aside to rest.
  5. Using the same oil, cook the diced onions together with the crushed ginger and garlic.
  6. Reduce heat and add the chicken, curry leaves, safran, coriander, thyme, cloves and pepper.
  7. Wash the rice and put in a rice cooker with 1 litre of water and set to cook (or cook on the stove).
  8. Once rice is partially cooked, add the chicken and spice mix and sausages into the cooker, combine and close the lid and continue to cook further.
  9. Once cooked rice is “warming”, throw in the beef, mix well and close lid for a few minutes.
  10. Spoon pilau rice onto a large serving dish and go straight to the table to enjoy!
  11. You can also add some fresh chilli on top of your pilau rice for a spicy island hit.



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