ANSE ROYALE: Le Nautique – Luxury Beachfront Hotel​

From the Blog

Le Nautique La Digue: Construction Update 7

Welcome back to our blog and the latest “Le Nautique La Digue” construction update. I know we say it all the time, but WOW has building work come on in leaps and bounds in the six weeks since our last site update.

All three roofs are now on, covered and topped with four traditional creole spikes, two buildings have had their cottage pane windows installed, electrics and plumbing are well and truely underway, the ceiling framework is going in and plasterwork has started on the first building.

The team at Le Nautique Seychelles have also taken up temporary residence on site in what can best be described as an oversized tin shed, lovingly called “The Presidential Suite”. It’s been fantastic being on site and getting involved in the day to day construction as we move closer towards the finishing stages.

The construction team have enjoyed learning the latest building methods from resident builder Will (especially playing with Will’s collection of the latest tools, gadgets and gizmos). It’s also been really nice to enjoy a cold Seybrew together under the coconut trees, whilst watching the sun set over Praslin into the glistening Indian Ocean.

By the next construction update we hope to see the three villas progress into the external painting stages, the decking support timbers to be installed, the laundry building to move up to the second level and maybe, just maybe the see the foundations go in for our beautiful beachside kiosk.

Anyway that’s enough chatter from me, check out the progress for yourselves in the photos below (including a photo of Jose and builder Francis clearly getting up to no good and a glimpse inside the presidential suite );








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